Discussion Forum Using Flutter And Firebase
This is almost like Whatsapp, We chat with our friends and make a group of students and teachers for doubt solving. This is a simple project but a good design app.
Abstract :
Nowadays without communication, it is very hard to be successful. A chat application makes it easy to communicate with people anywhere in the world by sending and receiving messages in real-time. With a chat app, users can receive the same engaging and lively interactions through custom messaging features, just as they would in person. Communication through the web is turning out to be necessary nowadays. Online communication permits the clients to speak with others quickly and advantageously. Thinking about this, the online communication application must be capable of writing pictures or some other documents more quickly with the least deferral with no postponement. Firebase is one of the stages which gives a constant database and cloud administration which permits the designer to make these applications effortlessly. Texting can be considered a stage to maintain communication. Android gives a better stage to create different applications for texting contrasted with different stages, for example, iOS. The fundamental goal of this paper is to introduce a product application for the starting of ongoing communication between administrators and clients. The framework created on android will empower the clients to speak with other clients through instant messages with the assistance of the web. The framework requires both the gadget to be associated using the web. This application depends on Android with the backend given by google Firebase.
Keywords :
Real-time database, Cloud Services, Android, Instant Messaging, Google Firebase.
Introduction :
In the real world, communication plays a very vital role. People have been communicating with each other through various applications or mediums. In the beginning, people communicated with each other using letters or other sources, as these mediums could take much time to deliver the content. Cell phones are another medium of communication but the drawback /disadvantage is for any limited or small message which needs to be passed to another user a phone call is not a perfect way. The developers/engineers then see to implement a text-based communication which would allow an instant communication service. In 1984, the concept of SMS was developed in the Franco-German GSM cooperation by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert. The limitation of SMS was the limited size i.e., 128 bytes [1] [2], after the accent of smartphones from 10yearsmany messaging applications have been developed. Some are Bluetooth based and some were internet-based such as WhatsApp [3], We Chat [4], and others. Android is an operating system for mobiles that was developed by Google. This operating system permits the applications to be utilized on mobiles. As it was developed by Google, Android users can create mobile applications that can be sold through android application stores such as the play store. Firebase is a NoSQL database that makes use of sockets that allows the users to store and retrieve the data from the database [5]. An Android version should be greater than 2.3, android studio 1.5 or higher version, and android studio project are the prerequisites to connect the firebase to an android application. Firebase provides various kinds of services such as Firebase Authentication [6]: Firebase Authentication is useful to both developers and users. Developing and maintaining a sign-in set-up may be a bit difficult and time taking. Firebase provides an easy API [6] for sign-in. It also provides data backup using real-time databases. Firebase cloud: For storing the data such as video, text, and pictures building the infrastructure would be difficult and expensive for a new developer so the firebase provides the platform of cloud storage [7]. Real-time database: It is a cloud-facilitated NoSQL database. Aside from the authentication, cloud service, and real-time databases firebase also provides a service for crash reporting Crash Reporting: when some unexpected crashes occur in any application it may be difficult to conclude why the application crashed. Firebase provides a crash reporting service to deal with these crashes. This paper is concerned with a software application for the establishment of real-time communication services between operators/users. A chat application many-to-many type of communication system where the users will be able to exchange the messages among themselves [8]. Users can create the chat room according to the requirement or can also join the existing chat room.
Objective :
The feature of authorization allows the user to use their account anywhere anytime with the use of any mobiles phone.
User has to log into their application with their email id and password as there is no need for OTP.
Methodology :
This chat application is made for teachers and students so that they can communicate and solve their doubts regarding studies. Students can also chat by making groups using the given credential to them. A very simple is used for the easy maintenance of the application. Login logout facilities are given to the user for safety and security purposes.
- Login page
This is the login page of the application we can say the first page of the application. Here the user is given the facility to login into their account using their credential which is already provided to them by authority. If the user enters the incorrect password then the system will not allow them to log in to their account and they can not open the application.
2. Create an account page
At the first user will be given an option to log in but if the user does not have an account then he/she is given an option to create their account with their credential. For passwords, there is a condition that the password must contain 6 characters. After creating an account they can log into the application. At least one account is already created by the authority for a particular student. If they want to create their account then this facility is there.
3. Home page
As the user login to the application then he/she can see this home page. On the home page there are several options as
i) Search option
ii) Already existing groups
iii) Create a new group
iv) Logout
4. Search
Here the user is given an option to search for other students using their given credential (i.e id). They can information about other users by searching them.
5. Create Group
By clicking on the edit button user can make a group for chatting. The first user needs to search the particular student through their credential and then by clicking on the plus button (+) they can add that particular student. Users can also remove participants by clicking a cross button. After creating a group user is also provided the facility to give a name to that group.
6. Different Groups
On the home page, we can see all the groups that are created. On clicking that group we can see the conversation that is done in that particular group.
7. Exchanging Message
Here we can see the conversations that are done between 2 participants and conversation that is done in a group. Users can also use emojis while the conversation. An option for sharing images is also provided to the user.
8. Log Out
An option for logging out is there in the upper right corner of the application. Once the user logout he/she has to again login to the application. By doing this we can make sure that no misuse is done of this application.
Major Requirments :
The major requirement that is required for this application are….
In Software:
In Hardware:
Flowchart :
Advantages :
A chat application permits us to message or keep in touch with a person in real-time.
People nowadays send messages to one another to discuss just anything. With the growing number of users of social media, businesses could take advantage of using chat applications as their medium of communicating with customers.
It is very convenient as you can use the application in your day-to-day life very easily. You can open the app respond to it, close the app, and then continue your work.
Chat applications also include the functionality of sharing images. By this, the images are stored in the server as a backup so if there is any kind of damage to the device or the images are lost then we can get them back.
In this chat, application information is private and secure.
Conclusion :
In this paper, we have provided details on the security, protection, and information of our chat application. We have made a lot of effort for making secure talk and make it actual by using the present-day technique. Customers need not worry about the security of their messages. By now we are just managing the texting between friends. In the future, the application may add more features such as Voice informing, Gathering calling, Live spilling, Messages auto-erase after a given time, etc.