What is Git? — Git operation and command

Utsav Desai
5 min readFeb 4, 2023


Git is a distributed version control system that allows you to keep track of changes made to files and collaborate with others on a project.

Git’s goal is to manage a project or set of files as they change over time. Git stores this data in a data structure known as a Git repository. Git’s heart is the repository. To be clear, a Git repository is the directory that contains all of your project files and metadata. Git keeps track of the project’s current state by creating a tree graph from the index. It is typically represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

Here are some common Git commands and their operations:

1. git init — Initializes a Git repository in the current directory.

syntax: git init [repository name]

This command is used to start a new repository.

2. git clone — Clones a Git repository from a remote source to your local machine.

syntax: git clone [url]

This command is used to obtain a repository from an existing URL.

3. git add — Adds changes in the working directory to the staging area.

syntax: git add [file]

This command adds one or more files to the staging area.

syntax: git add .

This command adds one or more to the staging area.

4. git commit — Records changes to the repository by creating a new commit that includes the changes in the staging area.

syntax: git commit -m [ Type in the commit message]

This command records or snapshots the file permanently in the version history.

5. git status — Displays the current status of the repository, including which files have been modified and added to the staging area.

syntax: git status

This command lists all the files that have to be committed.

6. git log — Shows a list of all commits in the current branch, along with their details such as the author, date, and message.

syntax: git log

This command is used to list the version history for the current branch.

7. git branch — Allows you to create, list, and delete branches in a Git repository.

syntax: git branch

This command lists all the local branches in the current repository.

syntax: git branch [branch name]

This command creates a new branch.

syntax: git branch -d [branch name]

This command deletes the feature branch.

8. git checkout — Switches between branches or restores files in the working directory to a specific commit.

syntax: git checkout [branch name]

This command is used to switch from one branch to another.

syntax: git checkout -b [branch name]

This command creates a new branch and also switches to it.

9. git merge — Merges changes from one branch into another, resolving any conflicts that may arise.

syntax: git merge [branch name]

This command merges the specified branch’s history into the current branch.

10. git push — Pushes changes from the local repository to a remote repository, such as GitHub.

syntax: git push [variable name] main

This command sends the committed changes of main branch to your remote repository.

syntax: git push [variable name] :[branch name]

This command sends the branch commits to your remote repository.

syntax: git push -all [variable name]

This command pushes all branches to your remote repository.

11. git pull — Pulls changes from a remote repository to the local repository.

syntax: git pull [Repository Link]

This command fetches and merges changes on the remote server to your working directory.

12. git diff — Shows the differences between two commits, the working directory and the staging area, or the staging area and the repository.

syntax: git diff

This command shows the file differences which are not yet staged.

syntax: git diff –staged

This command shows the differences between the files in the staging area and the latest version present.

syntax: git diff [first branch] [second branch]

This command shows the differences between the two branches mentioned.



Utsav Desai

Utsav Desai is a technology enthusiast with an interest in DevOps, App Development, and Web Development.