Choosing the Right Architecture: Monolithic vs Microservices

Utsav Desai
8 min readMar 18, 2023


Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture is a software development approach where an application is designed and developed as a single, cohesive unit. In this architecture, all components of the application, including the user interface, business logic, and data storage, are tightly integrated and communicate with each other through direct method calls or shared libraries.

Monolithic architecture is often compared to a “big ball of mud” as changes to one component of the application can have unintended consequences on other components. This architecture can make it difficult to maintain and scale an application, especially as it grows in complexity and size.

Despite its limitations, monolithic architecture remains a popular approach for building small to medium-sized applications, as it is relatively simple to develop and deploy. However, for larger and more complex applications, microservices architecture is often preferred.

Example Of Monolithic Approach

An example of a monolithic architecture can be an e-commerce website where all components, such as the front-end, back-end, and database, are bundled into a single application. In this approach, the entire application runs on a single server and communicates with the client’s browser through HTTP requests.

In a monolithic e-commerce application, a change to one component, such as the user interface, may require the entire application to be redeployed. Similarly, if the database layer is slow, it can slow down the entire application.

However, monolithic architecture can be a good fit for smaller e-commerce websites with a limited number of features, where the application’s complexity is relatively low, and the development team can handle changes and maintenance without running into significant challenges.

Benefits Of Monolithic Approach

Here are some potential benefits of using a monolithic architecture:

  1. Simplicity: Monolithic architecture is often straightforward to develop and deploy. The application is typically built as a single, cohesive unit, which makes it easier to understand and manage.
  2. Performance: Because all components of the application run on a single server, monolithic architecture can be fast and efficient. There is no need for inter-process communication, which can slow down the application.
  3. Easier testing: With a monolithic architecture, it is easier to test the entire application as a single unit. This can help developers catch bugs and ensure that the application is functioning as expected.
  4. Low overhead: Because there is only one application to manage, there is less overhead involved in deploying and maintaining the application.
  5. Cost-effective: Monolithic architecture can be a cost-effective option for smaller applications with limited complexity, as it requires fewer resources to develop and deploy compared to more complex architectures.

It’s worth noting, however, that while monolithic architecture can be useful for some applications, it may not be the best fit for all scenarios. For larger, more complex applications, a microservices architecture may be a better choice.

Drawbacks Of Monolithic Approach

Here are some potential drawbacks of using a monolithic architecture:

  1. Limited scalability: As the size and complexity of the application increase, it can become more challenging to scale monolithic architectures. The entire application must be deployed as a single unit, which can lead to performance issues and slower deployment times.
  2. High coupling: With monolithic architecture, all components of the application are tightly coupled. A change to one component can have unintended consequences on other components, making it difficult to make changes without affecting the entire application.
  3. Longer development cycles: Because monolithic architectures are more complex and tightly coupled, it can take longer to develop and deploy new features or changes to the application.
  4. Limited technology flexibility: Monolithic architecture can limit the ability to adopt new technologies or programming languages. For example, if the application is built using a specific programming language or framework, it can be challenging to switch to a different language or framework without significant modifications.
  5. Maintenance challenges: As the application grows in size and complexity, maintaining a monolithic architecture can become more challenging and time-consuming. It can be difficult to debug issues or make changes without affecting other components of the application.

It’s essential to consider these drawbacks when deciding whether to use a monolithic architecture for your application or to consider other architecture options, such as microservices.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is an approach to software development where an application is designed and developed as a collection of small, independent services. Each service is responsible for a specific business capability and communicates with other services through APIs.

In a microservices architecture, each service is independently deployable and scalable, which allows for faster development cycles and greater flexibility. The smaller size of each service also makes it easier to maintain and update the application without affecting other parts of the system.

A microservices architecture also promotes flexibility in technology selection since each service can be developed using a different programming language, framework, or data store. This can be beneficial when certain technologies are better suited for specific tasks.

However, microservices architecture can also introduce new complexities, such as the need for additional infrastructure to manage communication between services, and the need for service discovery mechanisms to help services find each other.

Despite its challenges, microservices architecture is becoming increasingly popular for building large, complex applications that require flexibility, scalability, and rapid development cycles.

Example Of Microservices Approach

A common example of a microservices architecture is a ride-hailing application like Uber or Lyft. In this architecture, the application is broken down into individual services that handle specific functions such as user authentication, ride matching, payment processing, driver management, and vehicle tracking.

Each service is developed and deployed independently, allowing for faster development and testing cycles. The services communicate with each other through APIs, and the application’s overall functionality is provided by the combined services working together.

For example, when a user requests a ride, the ride matching service finds the nearest available driver, and the payment processing service charges the user’s account. The driver management service tracks the driver’s location and manages their availability, and the vehicle tracking service monitors the vehicle’s location and status.

Each service can be scaled independently, allowing the application to handle high traffic volumes during peak times. The microservices architecture also makes it easier to add new features or modify existing ones without disrupting the rest of the application.

Overall, microservices architecture allows for the development of complex applications that can be scaled and maintained more efficiently than monolithic architectures.

Benefits Of Microservices Approach

Here are some potential benefits of using a microservices architecture:

  1. Scalability: Microservices architecture is designed to scale horizontally, meaning individual services can be scaled up or down independently of each other. This can help the application handle high traffic volumes during peak times.
  2. Flexibility: Each service can be developed and deployed independently, allowing for greater flexibility in technology selection and faster development cycles. This can help developers choose the best tools and technologies for each service’s specific function.
  3. Resilience: Because each service is independent, a failure in one service does not affect the entire application. This can help ensure that the application remains available even when individual services experience issues.
  4. Maintenance: Microservices architecture can make it easier to maintain and update the application, as changes to one service do not affect other services. This can help reduce the time and resources required for maintenance tasks.
  5. Agility: Because each service is independent, it is easier to make changes and add new features to the application without disrupting the rest of the system. This can help the application stay agile and responsive to changing business needs.

However, it’s important to note that microservices architecture can also introduce new complexities, such as the need for additional infrastructure to manage communication between services and the need for service discovery mechanisms to help services find each other. Additionally, designing and developing a microservices architecture can be more challenging and require specialized expertise.

Drawbacks Of Microservices Approach

Here are some potential drawbacks of using a microservices architecture:

  1. Complexity: Microservices architecture can introduce additional complexity to the application, as it requires additional infrastructure to manage communication between services and service discovery mechanisms to help services find each other. Additionally, designing and developing a microservices architecture can be more challenging and require specialized expertise.
  2. Increased overhead: Because each service is developed and deployed independently, there is additional overhead associated with managing and deploying multiple services. This can require more resources and add to the application’s overall complexity.
  3. Distributed system challenges: With microservices architecture, the application is distributed across multiple services, which can introduce additional challenges related to data consistency, error handling, and security.
  4. Testing complexity: Because each service is developed and deployed independently, testing can become more complex and require specialized tools to ensure that all services work together seamlessly.
  5. Potential for service overload: With microservices architecture, each service can be scaled independently. However, this can lead to potential overload of certain services if they are not scaled appropriately.

It’s important to consider these drawbacks when deciding whether to use a microservices architecture for your application or to consider other architecture options, such as monolithic or hybrid architectures.


In conclusion, both microservices architecture and monolithic architecture have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the decision to choose one over the other depends on the specific needs and requirements of the application.

Monolithic architecture can be a good option for smaller applications or applications that do not require frequent updates or changes. It is generally easier to develop, deploy, and maintain, as the entire application is contained in a single codebase.

On the other hand, microservices architecture is designed for larger, more complex applications that require greater flexibility, scalability, and agility. It allows for individual services to be developed, deployed, and scaled independently, which can make it easier to add new features or modify existing ones without disrupting the rest of the application.

While microservices architecture can introduce additional complexity and require specialized expertise, it can also offer benefits such as scalability, resilience, and flexibility. Ultimately, the choice between microservices architecture and monolithic architecture will depend on the specific needs and constraints of the application being developed.



Utsav Desai

Utsav Desai is a technology enthusiast with an interest in DevOps, App Development, and Web Development.